• Spiritual Gifts: Compassion

    …he  that  sheweth  mercy,  with cheerfulness. Romans  12:8 What is the gift of mercy? Mercy is defined as active compassion by word or deed. It is the ability to assist to alleviate someone  else’s  pain  and suffering through words and actions that are genuine and empathetic. It is said that the percentage number of people given this gift among God’s are altogether 7 gifts and if such a large percentage is given to mercy, it must mean that the Lord knows we need it in the local church. In a world battered by the cruelty and loveless relationships, the Lord Jesus instructs His church to be a place where unconditional…

  • Spiritual Gifts: Ruling — Administration

    …he that ruleth, with diligence… Romans 12:8 There are some people that God has given special talent and gifting and ability to manage the affairs of the local church administration. The little details which are important to the smooth running of the church, the minute details that sometimes that can get missed in the entire process of ensuring a well-oiled and effective ministry for the glory of GOD. It is a fallacy that we focus on the heart and relationship issues which are important, but there are the ‘tables’ that needs to be served and the practical needs of the local church that needs to be addressed. The biblical injunction…

  • Spiritual Gifts: Giving

    … he that giveth, let him do it with simplicity; … Romans 12:8 There is the spiritual gift of giving. Giving in the bible is defined as transferring goods to another, to impart. Because of our sinfulness, we tend towards being selfish. But genuine love gives. It gives to others in need, to the Lord in the church and to their own family to care for them. But the one with the spiritual gift of giving gives more than is required, more than the need and more than what they have. Yet the Lord still continues to bless the GIVER so that they can continue to give. The spiritual gift…