Spiritual Gifts: Compassion

…he  that  sheweth  mercy,  with cheerfulness.

Romans  12:8

What is the gift of mercy? Mercy is defined as active compassion by word or deed. It is the ability to assist to alleviate someone  else’s  pain  and suffering through words and actions that are genuine and empathetic. It is said that the percentage number of people given this gift among God’s are altogether 7 gifts and if such a large percentage is given to mercy, it must mean that the Lord knows we need it in the local church. In a world battered by the cruelty and loveless relationships, the Lord Jesus instructs His church to be a place where unconditional love is given and abound. What are some indications of an individual with the gift of mercy? How does an individual with the gift of mercy operate?

This individual has the extraordinary ability to express love, grace and dignity to those facing hardships or crisis. This Christian is very sensitive to the needs of others, whether the needs are obvious or in the heart. He has an intense desire to remove the hurts of others. He is able to serve in difficult circumstances, and do so cheerfully in spite of the undeserving nature of the needy without grudging or complaint.

The person with the gift of mercy have the God-given ability to sense the pain of individuals and groups, often by just walking into a room and often emphasize mental and emotional relationships in helping those in need. They will measure acceptance by physical closeness and quality time together. Those with the gift of mercy can discern, feel, and, on occasion, actually suffer the distress of other people – especially affliction or adversity which is undeserved. They identify with and adapt their own feelings to the feelings of others. They may actually take on themselves the hurts and heartaches of others. An important trait of an individual with the gift of compassion is that they meets the emotional needs of those in difficulty, whereas in comparison the gift of service seeks to meet the needs of others by giving practical help.

Some negative outcomes of an individual with the gift of mercy is that they are tolerant of wrongs in people, sometimes to the point of overlooking sin. Their desire to restore an individual in sin can prevent them from following the biblical steps to restoration and as a result actually hurt more than help them spiritually.

Because of the emotional commitment for an individual with the gift of mercy, there is the burden sometimes on the individual to persevere because their care of others may not be reciprocated or rewarded. The apostolic instruction to those who have the gift of mercy is to continue in their gift with cheerfulness, with a light heart, knowing that it is the will of GOD, that it is pleasing to the Lord and that the joy of the Lord is your strength.

The Lord has given people with the gift of mercy in Ambassador Baptist Church. Let us stir up the gift within us for the glory of GOD, in a biblically ordained manner and in a Spirit-controlled fashion, to build up the body of Christ, so that we will all come into a unity of the faith.