Spiritual Gifts: Giving

… he that giveth, let him do it with simplicity; …

Romans 12:8

There is the spiritual gift of giving. Giving in the bible is defined as transferring goods to another, to impart. Because of our sinfulness, we tend towards being selfish. But genuine love gives. It gives to others in need, to the Lord in the church and to their own family to care for them. But the one with the spiritual gift of giving gives more than is required, more than the need and more than what they have. Yet the Lord still continues to bless the GIVER so that they can continue to give. The spiritual gift of giving is characterized by the following:

This Christian desires to give quietly to effective projects or ministries. They are quick to respond to a need and will give sufficiently for the progress of the work.

The Christian with this gift may attempt to use his giving to motivate others to do likewise. It is amazing how Christians can be motivated by others’ giving. We are by nature selfish and self-centered. But with an example in giving, the Lord can use that to encourage other Christians to give. The Lord Jesus, our perfect example of giving, gave of His own life, and consequently, untold millions of Christians have given all they have even their own lives for the cause of Christ.

This Christian is unusually alert to the valid needs that others might overlook. This author had the blessing of receiving an answer to prayer when a giver anonymously gave to meet the homeschool booklets that the author was purchasing for his children. The Lord knows the needs of His people and oftentimes, use these silent and yet blessed givers to meet the needs where others do not see as vital. Consequently, quietly, GOD rewards this giver with joy when his gift is an answer to specific prayer. Nothing matters more to this individual but that GOD would use His gift to bless another Christian.

This Christian not only will give, but he is also concerned that his gift be of high quality. The givers will not tolerate half-hearted or shoddy gifts: they will ensure that the gift would more than adequately meet the need. GOD has sent givers to Ambassador Baptist, who are not even from this church, to give over and abundantly so that we can have a permanent place for worship and ministry.

How does the giver need to give? The apostle taught clearly: it must be done with simplicity (sincerely, selflessly and generously is embedded in the Greek Word translated simplicity). That means those with the gift will give:

Sincerely: their gift is part of them, from the heart. God loves givers who give from the heart: GOD is not interested in gifts as part of our mechanical duty and GOD tells us that He does not give His love to robots but to men and women who would love the Lord with all their heart. We need to give from the heart.

Selflessly: many givers do not consider their personal needs when they give. They would give and give till the need is met, even though their needs are neglected. This was how the Lord Jesus gave: this needs to be the way the believer ought to give.

Generously: They bountifully meet the needs of the Christian. They would be the silent beneficiaries of many believers and pastors (this one included), and they have given much so that another human being is able to have a comfortable life as they live for the Lord.

Do you have the gift of giving? Start giving today: it is a commandment of the Lord (Acts 20:35). But as we give, let us love in the process that our gift might come from the heart. If it is not because of the spiritual gift that we are giving from, bless GOD, our heartfelt giving is accepted for God loveth a cheerful giver.