The Minister of Christ


That I should be the minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles, ministering the gospel of God, that the offering up of the Gentiles might be acceptable, being sanctified by the Holy Ghost.

Romans 15:16

All Christians, born again of the Spirit of Christ are servants of Christ. We are called not merely to sainthood but also to servanthood. (Colossians 3:24) In verse 16, Paul teaches three areas that the servant of Christ must be mindful of and when he does, he honours the Lord and His will in his life. 

Firstly, as a servant of Christ, we have a definite role. “Paul a minister of Christ to the Gentiles” We are all called to evangelise and to serve Him. We are to minister and be involved in the Kingdom of God’s work. However, we are all different and we all have different abilities and giftings. God calls us to utilise these gifts in different ministries, which will carve out our roles for us as we serve Him. However, there will be some who will not be sure of the role the Lord has for them. God’s instruction then is to start by serving Him wherever there is a need and then seek the Lord as to where they should serve. 

Secondly, as a servant of Christ, we have a definite responsibility. “Ministering the gospel to the Gentiles” Paul was very clear that he was to preach primarily to the Gentiles. This does not mean that he only preached to Gentiles but he knew that God had primarily called him to the Gentile people, and therefore he focused his energies in this area that God had called him to and wanted to use him in. Some Christians have no idea of the role and responsibility in their service for God. They wait without end, persist without direction and then get discouraged in their service for Christ. Paul’s admonishment was NOT to beat the air, not to hit at nothing but to be clear in our hearts and minds where we are to serve and be fully responsible where we should be. 

Thirdly, as a servant of Christ, we have a definite result. That is, that our service to Christ ought to be acceptable, be blessed and be used by God to accomplish His will. Acceptability of our service is determined by God’s Word, His will and the leading of the Spirit of God. Its effects are always a closeness to God, growth in Christians and winning the lost to Christ. It results in genuine and added zeal for the Lord, increased maturity in Christians, genuine love among brethren and a faithful testimony for God. 

Are we minsters or servants of Christ? Do we know our roles, responsibilities in His service? And are we labouring to ensure we please God with acceptable service? 

Lord Jesus, may all we do please you and may all our service be acceptable to you

Written by: Pastor Johnny Tan
Edited by: Timothy Lee
Image Credit:
J. Stephen Conn, Flickr