Saved to Serve

Eph 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

God in His grace, has accepted us in the beloved, He has led us to the point of salvation, and the conviction upon our hearts that we are sinners needing a saviour. We have made the decision to trust Him as the Saviour of our Souls and the redeemer from our sins.
What is next?
Many christians stop here: they have trusted the Lord, but they go no further. Yet the Lord is clear: we are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works! Notice three truths from this verse:

We are GOD’s workmanship: we have been specifically created a new creature by GOD. In our physical creation, we were wonderfully and fearfully made. In our spiritual creation, we were made like unto the image of GOD! Christian, you and I have the stamp of GOD’s image and character. Is it not a wonder that sinful man should take on the image of the Most High? We are His workmanship.

We are saved to serve: Created in Christ Jesus unto good works. When God saved us, it was for a purpose. That purpose is to do good. We do not do good to be saved, but when we are saved, we will do good. We will want to serve GOD. Is there works of service for Christ that we can show in our lives as a christian? Are we persevering in it for the glory of Christ? Is there a reluctance to do what we know is right? We are saved to serve.

GOD has called us to service: Which GOD hath hath before ordained that we should walk in them. Serving GOD is the will of GOD. It ought to be the life work of a christian, because a christian who does not serve GOD is NOT in the will of GOD, and therefore NOT glorifying GOD. Our calling is to be the servant of GOD.

Are you serving Christ? More than that: are you a servant of the Lord?
Do you live your life in subservience to Him, or are you your master?

We are called to serve: therefore my beloved brethren, let us be always abounding in the work of the Lord.

Evangelist – Pastor Johnny Tan
Ambassador Baptist Church