Praise the Lord


Wherefore receive ye one another, as Christ also received us to the glory of God.

Romans 15:7

Christians ought to live in peace and in unity according to the word of God (Psalm 133:1). It is God’s will that His people love one another so that others can see the love between Christian brothers and sisters (1 Peter 1:22). Spiritual conversion in our hearts ought to produce genuine love to the brethren. Many Christians know this in their minds, and even in their hearts but many times, we are slow to show these actions of loving one another practically. Paul admonishes the Christian church members to receive one another. This is apostolic teaching that we are to welcome one another in person. To receive means to accept, to welcome to lodge as a guest, to admit into fellowship and to embrace one another in the name and love of Christ. How are we to accept one another? We are to welcome one another just as Christ received us. This is the criteria Paul gives us. How does this acceptance manifest itself in real interpersonal relationships?

We are to receive one another even though we are imperfect. That was how the Lord Jesus received us. There was nothing good in us, nothing pleasant, nothing of beauty and nothing of worth that the Lord could possibly see in us. We were imperfect, broken, torn, half-baked and undesirable. Yet, Christ received us. Many of us have character flaws. We are slow to learn, slow to organize or slow to understand. Yet, in love, Christ received us, and therefore, we are to receive one another even though we are imperfect.

We are to receive one another even though we have sinned or offended one another. This is an awful truth, but at the cross, together with the crowd, we cried out “crucify Him”. In our lives, we offend Him, neglect Him, disobey Him and even blaspheme His name when we accept sin and wickedness into our lives. Have we someone who offended us? Do we have friends who have neglected us and did not consider our situation? Do we have people who will disrespect us? The Lord Jesus have received these sinners in the love of Christ, so are we to accept them.

We are to receive one another even though the other does not reciprocate (return) our kind deeds and intentions. The Lord Jesus is everlasting love to us. His love is so perfect that even though we are unfaithful to Him, our God remains faithful to us. When we reject Him or dishonor His name by living for this world or humiliate Him by worshipping Satan and his gifts for the sake of the riches of this world while knowing that Christ has done all things good for us, can we continue in sin, that grace may abound? Christ received sinners, so must we if we are to be like Him.

We are receive one another, though in this life, we will never be able to feel the comfort of love, and joy of relationship. Unlike the Lord Jesus – constant in love, faithful in trials, strong in grace, ever present in need and immutable – some believers will never give back to the Lord Jesus His due because of their selfishness and worldliness. Yet, we are to receive such an one should there be a believer who will not reciprocate our kindness to them. God, all kind and merciful, continues in His stedfast care and love for us even when we do not give back. That is the essence of God’s love.

Brothers and sisters in the Lord, do we welcome one another as Christ received us? May I say that when we do, we receive one another to the glory of God? May we practice this truth in our lives.


Written by: Pastor Johnny Tan
Edited by: Timothy Lee
Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons