Our Lives Before Men

On Air

Provide things honest in the sight of all men.

Romans 12:17

Men are open books before the world. Everyone is scrutinized by someone else.  A teacher’s life is up for students’ inspection; a politician’s lifestyle is monitored and critiqued at every move; a father or mother is scrutinized by children who learn to imitate what they see and hear. A Christian is no exception. In reality, the Christian is oftentimes held to a standard higher than the world at large. The world carefully looks over the Christian, especially in the times of crisis or trouble, to see how the Christian responds and how lives by his principles. We can either be the light that draws them to Christ or the stumbling block that hinders their coming to the Saviour.  How does the Lord teach us to respond when we live before men?

Firstly, we need to think before we act. The word ‘provide’ means to see before. In the provision of God towards men, God will always think before He gives what He wisely believes we as His children need to have. When we provide for someone, we need to think through what is necessary for the individual. Similarly, in our lives before the world we need to think before we act. The reality is we act based on our preconceived notions of right and wrong. We act based on what we believe. The Bible informs that as a man thinks in his heart, so is he (Proverbs 23:7). So, our thoughts affect our actions. If our mind is unregenerate or we are still living in our old ways, we still say no to the plans of God unless our minds have been changed by the word of God (Psalm 119:9; Romans 12:1 – 2; 2 Timothy 3:16). We need to think before we act in our lives before men.

Secondly, we need to ensure what we are do is always good. The words ‘honest’ and ‘good’ are translated from the same Greek word meaning ‘virtuous, useful, good.’ Therefore the things a Christian does ought to be morally upright and unquestionable before God and men; it should be useful, kind and beneficial to fellow Christians.  Many Christians are diligently avoiding, evading and preventing themselves from doing  the wrong thing or sinning against God and they are keeping pure for the glory of God. However, Paul teaches that we are think ahead of how we can not only avoid the wrong but also do the right before men. Man is not impressed with groups of people avoiding the bars; he is not impressed by Christians who do not lie. Man will, however, be alert when he sees a Christian actively doing right to another friend who has insulted him or sacrifices that others may benefit without asking for anything in return. This is the essence of Acts 26:20 and Titus 3:8 when the people are admonished to do good works – works that will benefit others. This admonition is repeated in Romans 15:2.

Thirdly, we are to ensure that this good is to be done in the sight of all men, without exception. We are to do good works before men solely as a display, for that would be contrary to the principle, spirit and letter of the Bible. When we do our deeds before men, it has to be honest, good, and beneficial to men. That means that we are not to be biased in our good deeds, bestowing them toward one person alone. It also means that we are not to favour and put down another. We are not to do good to this person and then degrade another. Our deeds are to be honest in the sight of all men as reinforced in 2 Corinthians 8:21.

How are you living your life before men? Is it honest, good and useful for someone else? Does it bring glory to God and edification to someone else? Will our lives stumble and cause someone to be grieved with our lives?

Brethren, let us live our lives by providing for honest things before all men to the glory of God and for the edification of each saint.

Written by: Pastor Johnny Tan
Edited by: Timothy Lee
Image credit: Timothy Lee, used with permission