Moving On…

Arise and depart… – Micah 2:11

The prophet Micah, in denouncing the sins of Israel, gave a stem warning and prophecy to those who would still do the right thing: get up and move away from the current way that you are living. The nation of Israel was in a state of corruption and sin, and they are not exempt from the judgment of God, even though they are chosen people. God’s people would suffer the severest judgment because they know the Word of God and the requirements of the Saviour. Reflecting on this truth, how many Christians know the word and not do it, and expect that God would overlook. Dear friends, the Bible tells us that our sin will find us out. Numbers 32:23. We will never get away with wrong, neither will GOD overlook sin. However, in the midst of our disobedience and sin, GOD offers mercy: what does GOD do to exhort us to return?

1. He calls us to action: ARISE. An action word that signifies that we stop out current way of living, and standing up. It reflects the realisation that there is a problem, and the action to overcome it. Christians, are there sins, hindrances and weights in your life that is slowing you down? Sins that are affecting your progress for the Lord, your work for Him and your love to Him? We need to ARISE! We need to make a stand and show that we are not satisfied with our current spiritual condition.

2. He calls us to leave: Arise and DEPART… To depart is to leave the current way of sinful life, and wasteful living. The children of Israel were sternly warned by GOD to leave their sins, otherwise they will experience the severe chastisement of their God. No conviction of the heart is ever complete without the leaving of our sinful ways and our baggage of the past.

3. He gives us the reason why: THIS IS NOT YOUR REST. Dear friend, there is no rest in sin, and in the errors of our lives, there is no comfort in the iniquities of our flesh. How can we rest in corruption? God tells us to depart from our sins because He loves us. How do we know? Will not a concerned parent warn his children to leave the dangerous situation or the hurtful toys of this world? Why will they warn? They warn because they love deeply. GOD loves us so much that HE oftentimes warn us of dangers that we do not know of.

Christians, are you in sin? Are you carrying a load of the past? Or even of the current? Is God speaking and asking you to ARISE, DEPART and telling us that this is not our rest. Will you leave your past? And go towards GOD? As you depart from your sins, JESUS calls for us to COME! Don’t wander anymore! Come to Christ! Just as you are! And let the great Physician heal you, let the water of the word cleanse you, and let the Spirit lift you higher towards GOD. Lord I will! Then ARISE BRETHREN and DEPART!

Evangelist – Pastor Johnny Tan
Ambassador Baptist Church