Has God Heard you Lately?

Image © 2011, Timothy Lee. Used with permission

1 Kings 9:3 And the LORD said unto him, I have heard thy prayer…

What an encouragement to Solomon for the Lord to tell him that He has heard his prayer! Our God is a prayer-hearing God, and He is a prayer-answering God. It is pointless for God to ask us to pray unless He is willing to answer. Yet, how often, intensely, and sincerely do we pray? We need to ask ourselves this question: are our prayers strong and fervent, or must we admit that they are weak and lifeless? What can we learn from this simple Scripture?

Notice firstly: God responds.
God answers all our prayers. He hears the cry of the widow and the orphans (Exodus 22:23,24.) and of kings and prophets. He heard the cry of Jairus, whose daughter lay dying, and the silent hopelessness of the man at the Bethesda pool. God comes to those whose heart is broken and contrite, who cry to Him sincerely and of a pure heart. He detests the proud but will answer the prayer of those who are humble and who realize their need of Him. He answers all prayer: He answers “yes” to prayers that He has decided should be done in His time; He answers “no” to prayers that He knows to be of no help to us; He answers “wait” to prayers that require Him to work out details on our behalf. Herein lies a thought so simple yet so true in the lives of us as Christians: God does answer all our prayers.

Notice secondly: God responds personally.
God may use the angels to deliver His answers at times, but He hears and answers every prayer personally. He does not delegate this important task of hearing the prayer of His children. He takes personal interest and personal note of every word, whether uttered loudly or silently in the heart. Christian, take heart – your heavenly Father hears you personally, and takes note of every word and every tear that falls in prayer. He responds personally.

Notice thirdly: God responds to prayer.
The root word for prayer implies a judgment. Prayer is a decision of the mind that has judged the importance of an issue and has known that only God in Heaven can answer that issue. Prayer is decisive, not a string of idle words or a heartless expression of language. Prayer is a heartfelt cry to God for His help, assistance and strength, without which we cannot live the life of a Christian, to be effective and fervent for Him. We cry to Him for our families, loved ones and challenges in our lives. We cry to Him that His will be done and His work be accomplished. Work without prayer is the hope of the devil; work with sincere prayer crushes Satanʼs kingdom.

Has God heard you lately? Have you prayed? If so, be encouraged: God hears and responds personally to our prayer, but we need to pray and to do so fervently.

Evangelist-Pastor Johnny Tan
Ambassador Baptist Church