Conformity: The Christianʼs Duty to Christ

Image © 2011, Timothy Lee; used with permission.

Romans 12:2 …be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

The world has many attractions and allurements. She seeks to bring the Christian to her knees by offering the kingdoms of this world, saying, in essence, “if you will worship me, I will give you these kingdoms.” Many have fallen for the things of this world, many have been trapped by the snares of riches, pleasure and fame. However, did not the Lord Jesus tell us that we are in the world, but Christ has called us out of this world? He has called us unto Himself and to His cause and kingdom. What is the Christianʼs duty in relation to conformity with the world?

We are to actively resist the influence of this world:
The phrase “be not conformed” is an imperative, a command of God not to be moulded by the influence of this world. Are we quick to follow the whims and fancies of this world? Do we, not out of necessity, change our styles, our gadgets and our language as the fashions of this world dictate? Are we are apt to follow the latest fashion, lingo and popstars that come into our lives? However, there is a more subtle philosophical influence: when people, both young and old, are taught to assert themselves without biblical teaching and are allowed to do as they please as long as they reach the goal of being happy. These are all anti-Christian goals that lead in the wrong direction. We are to actively resist them; do not allow worldly philosophies to control and mould your mind.

We are to actively submit to the influence of the word of God:
The transformation of an individual begins with the mind. We are changed by a mental agreement to biblical truth each time we read the word of God and by obedience to it. Godʼs word is indeed powerful, but it requires welcoming reception and obedience to its powerful words. Because Godʼs word is true, the application of His word will bring change to our lives and our souls.

When we resist the influence of this world but receive the influence of the word, we will test, prove, affirm what is the good, and acceptable will of God.
Without us forsaking the world, and receiving the truth of the word of God, we will never be able to ensure and ascertain the will of God for our lives. Resisting the influence of the world ensures a clean and pure heart ready for God; it prepares the heart to receive the influence of God. When the word of God takes root in a person, the will of God becomes plain, and approving the plan of God in our lives becomes a simple task.

Are we conforming to the image of this world or are we slowly changing into the image of Christ? Are we fulfilling our duty to the Lord?

Evangelist-Pastor Johnny Tan
Ambassador Baptist Church